Merupakan program aplikasi pada Microsoft Office yang digunakan dalam pengolahan angka. Microsoft Excel dapat membantu kita dalam mengerjakan dan menyelesaikan pekerjaan di bidang administratif. Terdapat rumus-rumus dalam lembar kerja Microsoft Excel. Ada sembilan menu yang terdapat dalam menu yaitu : file. edit, view, insert, format, tools, data, window dan help.

A. Menu File terdapat beberapa sup menu yaitu :

  1. New
  2. Open
  3. Close
  4. Save
  5. Save as
  6. Save as Web Page
  7. Save workspace
  8. File search
  9. Permission
  10. Web Page preview
  11. Page setup
  12. Print area
  13. Print preview
  14. Print
  15. Send to
  16. Properties
  17. Exit


B. Menu Edit

  1. Undo
  2. Redo
  3. Cut
  4. Copy
  5. Office clipboard
  6. Paste
  7. Paste spesial
  8. Paste as hyperlink
  9. Fill
  10. Clear
  11. Delete
  12. Delete sheet
  13. Move or copy sheet
  14. Find
  15. Replace
  16. Go to


C. Menu View

  1. Normal
  2. Page break preview
  3. Task Pane
  4. Toolbars
  5. Formula bar
  6. Status bar
  7. Header And footer
  9. Custom views
  10. Full screen
  11. Zoom


D. Menu Insert

  1. Cell
  2. Rows
  3. Columns
  4. Worksheet
  5. Chart
  6. Symbol
  7. Page break
  8. Function
  9. Name
  10. Comment
  11. Picture
  12. Diagram
  13. Object
  14. Hyperlink


E.  Menu Format

  1. Cell
  2. Low
  3. Column
  4. Sheet
  5. Auto format
  6. Conditional formating
  7. Style


F. Menu Tools

  1. Spelling
  2. Research
  3. Eror cheking
  4. Track changes
  5. Compare and merger workbooks
  6. Protection
  7. Online colaboration
  8. Goal seek
  9. Scenarios
  10. Formula auditing
  11. Makro
  12. Add-ins
  13. Auto correct option
  14. Custommize
  15. Options


G. Menu Data

  1. Short
  2. Filter
  3. Form
  4. Subtotal
  5. Validation
  6. Table
  7. Text to columns
  8. Consolidate
  9. Group and outline
  10. Pivot tabel and pivot chart report
  11. Import External data
  12. Refresh data


H. Menu Window

  1. New window
  2. Arrange
  3. Unhide
  4. Split
  5. Freeze panes


I. Menu Help

  1. Microsoft excel help
  2. Show The Office assistant
  3. Microsoft excel Online
  4. Contact aus
  5. Check for updates
  6. Detect and repair
  7. About Microsoft Office excel

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